March 26, 2008

Some nice sites

Here are a few sites definitely worth looking at:

Miller Puckette - The author of 'Max', a graphical development environment for music synthesis named after Max Mathews and 'Pure Data', the open source version of 'Max'. Of importance is the free online book written by Puckette titled 'Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music' (the first link). I've only touched the surface of this book but it's been enough to realize how much information it holds entirely related to electronic music. "This is a book about using electronic techniques to record, synthesize, process, and analyze musical sounds...this book will focus exclusively on what used to be called 'computer music', but which should really now be called 'electronic music using a computer'"-Puckette

Make - You may have heard of the magazine before, well this is the site. All sorts of DIY projects from electronic related to woodworking.

TED: Ideas worth spreading - TED is a conference where people simply spread their ideas. The site hosts some great videos of presentations given covering most topics. It's always nice to see the originality and innovation that takes place within disciplines you normally might not look into by yourself.

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